This Land is Your Land (or, a ten year history of the US economy rendered as an arctic wasteland), 2013
2′-6″ x 10′ x 18′
Wood, epoxy, lacquer
This Land is Your Land… is a large-scale sculptural installation in which economic data culled from the first decade of the 21st century is transformed into a faceted, crystalline ‘landscape’. The sprawling 18’ x 10’ expanse maps the relationship between five key metrics of the US economy – NASDAQ Composite, New York Stock Exchange Composite Index, Euro:USD Exchange, Gold Futures, and the 20 Year US Treasury Bill – mapped against one another to create a form that both represents and abstracts these data. This work posits a place between hard data and imaginary space, reality and hyperbole. The two issues evoked by this piece, the rise and fall of the US economy and the imminent threat of climate change, are ever-present in contemporary discourse. Daily market positions meet disappearing sea ice as this piece offers a lens to view each as nodes of larger system.